GIVE, GIVE, GIVE and not just around the holiday season! There are so many ways we all can help others in our area and the best part is most welcome children to participate. Teaching our littlest the value of giving and not just receiving is critical. Hopefully your family will connect with one of these organizations; becoming regular volunteers. Below are great organizations that welcome volunteers throughout the year and some have seasonal opportunities as well.

Generation Hope
Volunteer at events, become a tutor, in addition to other ways you can become involved.
A Wider Circle
There are a variety of ways to volunteer and donate through holiday giving programs, donating items and more. Host a toy drive, sponsor a family and donate new gifts are part of the Holiday programs. For any inquiries regarding the Holiday programs send an email here and if you’d like to volunteer at the Center for Community Service in Silver Spring send an email.
Mary’s Center
Reading pals, special events and patient portal volunteers are needed.
Eliana’s Light
Buy/assemble gifts for families they’re supporting over the holiday season, host community service activities, lead a card- and/or cookie-making session for their annual “Valentine’s Day Cards for Kids & Cookies for Caregivers” community service activity; participate on their team for the annual Race for Every Child; translate documents and/or interpret at events and much more.
CCPC Transition Assistance Program
Make sandwiches, throughout the year in your home and deliver them to CCPC.
Arlington Food Assistance Center
Volunteers bag, distribute, drive, glean, grow, help in the office and warehouse and organize and assist at special events. Birthday Givers is great for younger kids, more ways to participate as a family found here.
Children’s National Medical Center
Dr. Bears Closet donations, greeters and patient care volunteers needed.
Spend Yourself Food Pantry
Drivers are needed to deliver food, food pantry volunteers and more.
Humane Rescue Alliance
Assist medical staff providing low-cost veterinary services, train and care for dogs, cats and/or small mammals, Take adoptable dogs for a run at local parks and more options for younger kids.
Lucky Dog Animal Rescue
Prepare for animal’s arrival, meet them at transport, help at adoption events.
Animal Welfare of Arlington’s Paws and Read
Children K-11th grades can visit the shelter with a parent to read to our shelter cats through Paws and Read Program, there are also programs for teens.
American Red Cross
Make holiday cards to be sent to injured, ill or hospitalized service members and veterans.
Casey Trees
There are frequent tree planting events throughout the city.
DC Diaper Bank (All ages!)
Donate diapers, sort, pack and stack diapers, sort inventory, and organize the Baby Pantry.
Friendship Place
Sponsor toiletry bags, outreach kits, or an alternate essential, help at an event, become a mentor and more.
Capital Area Food Bank
Sort and pack food for delivery as well as rake and plant in their garden and distribute fresh produce at free community farmer’s markets.
Inova Fairfax Hospital
Program specifically for high schoolers.
Art for Humanity
Collect vitamins for adults and children and/or distribute the vitamins, sponsor a child’s education.
DC Central Kitchen (Ages 12+)
Dedicated volunteers help transform wasted food into balanced meals for our community. You can work with the kitchen staff to cut, chop, peel and prep food in the kitchen – no cooking or food service experience required.
So Others May Eat (Ages 13+)
Volunteer and service programs include youth opportunities, holiday opportunities, family services, and meal service as well as the SOME Volunteer Corps.
Arlington National Cemetery
Wreath laying on December 14, 2019
We Are Family
Deliver groceries to seniors, visit with seniors in their homes, help a senior with cleaning/household chores, provide transportation for a senior or host a fundraiser or help raise funds for We Are Family.
Martha’s Table
Deliver meals, sort and display clothing donations, volunteer at one of the markets and help make and serve a meal.
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
Create holiday (all major holidays) cards for kids.
Toys For Tots
Find a drive and donate.
Star Gazing Farm
Sponsor an animal, fonate funds or materials to the farm, volunteer on the work days or during open houses, participate in our garden or house an animal.
Bethesda Care
Donate time, money or seasonal clothing and toiletries.
Bread for the City
Pack bags of trimmings for the holidays, support the food, clothing, diaper, and other programs .
Food and Friends
Volunteers of all ages can join their adult family members delivering meals to clients’ homes, making this an ideal volunteer opportunity for parents with young children. Volunteers must be at least 14 to work in the kitchen preparing and packaging meals. Volunteers join all stages of the food preparation, from chopping vegetables to packing groceries also.
Miriam’s Kitchen
Volunteers can help distribute toiletries, fulfill clothing orders, or simply engage with guests. Some volunteers help by giving haircuts, manicures, or writing resumes. Do you have some other skills to offer? Let them know!
Thrive DC
Provide groceries, help at the free Farmer’s Market, serve meals and more.
National Park Service
Work behind the scenes or on the front line in positions ranging from a one-time service project/ volunteer event to a longer term position, serving alongside park employees or with one of our many partner organizations.
N Street Village
Sponsor a community dinner, help run BINGO, be part of a holiday committee, help with meals and more.
Housing Up
They offer a variety of opportunities ranging from one-time activities and in-kind donation drives to weekly opportunities.
DC Hunger Solutions
Opportunities include interning with D.C. Hunger Solutions, staff a booth at a community event and more.
Central Union Mission
Help host, serve and clean up at dinner service at the Shelter.
Catholic Charities
See their calendar of regular events you can help out at or become a regular. There are also Seasonal opportunities.
Annual days of service are listed.
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