We are launching a new blog post series; ‘fun from home’. Each week we will send an easy recipe, game or activity for your kids to make at home! We are starting off with a kid favorite and one that is surprisingly easy to make– slime.

SLIME— Believe it or not, it’s not as messy as you may think. We find the Elmer’s glue slime recipes to be super easy and work great. Elmer’s also sells starter packs, we have not trie these though.
Supplies needed:
- Clear glue or sparkle glue
- Contact solution
- Baking soda
- Or the slime kit (pictured & linked above)
- Pour out entire contents of the 5 fl oz Elmer’s Color Glue into a bowl.
- Add ½ tbsp of baking soda and mix thoroughly.
- Add 1 tbsp of contact lens solution. …
- Take the slime out and begin kneading with both of your hands.
- If it’s too sticky, add ¼ tbsp contact lens solution and knead.
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