We have been to some great events and toddler classes at the DCJCC. I can attest to the professionalism and knowledgable presenters they have. The DCJJ has Parenting Center Workshops that provide parents and caregivers with support and guidance as they raise their young children. The workshops offer practical skills and solutions, advice, and networking opportunities.
The one that struck my eye is this Thursday: “Goodnight, Sleep Tight…” Some of us don’t have the child who slept through the night beginning at 3 months or the child who sleeps from 7-7. We all need more sleep! Find out how to get your kids to let you have it, this Thursday at 7:30pm at the DCJCC (16th and Q NW). Learn how to develop good sleep habits from the start, and how to address typical challenges that arise in helping children learn to soothe themselves to sleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Register here $47; Discounted Member Rate $32
What other parenting classes or resources would you recommend to our readers? Please share in the comments.