Simon Says– You can even do this virtually with friends from afar
Go Noodle– movement and mindfulness videos that will get your kids moving!
Don’t let the balloon (or ball) touch the ground– An old favorite that will surely bring laughter. You can also do penguin walks with the balloon in between your legs & balloon hockey.
Saran wrap ball– If you can spare saran wrap, wrap a toy, pack of gum, pencils etc into layers of saran wrap. You can make it more difficult by having your kids wear mittens to unwrap the ball.
Musical Chairs, Hula Hoop and Hot Potato are classic stand-by’s!
Bowling– Using plastic bottles or cups set them up to replicate pins and use a small ball to knock them down
ABC Hunt- Have your kids go around the house with a basket, collecting items that start with each letter of the alphabet (A for apple, B for basketball, C for crayon, etc) – give them a checklist to mark off each one as they go.
Scavenger hunt– There are tons of resources if you just google the type of scavenger hunt you’re looking for. These can be done inside as well as outside.
Hopscotch– Using painters tape down the hallway
Potato sack races– Use pillowcases and kids can hold them at their waists.
3 legged race– Use an ace bandage or a long sock to tie together a leg of two people. See if they can make it to a certain point.
Create tracks throughout the house with painters tape for race cars. This is cute race car tape we had when our son was younger.
Obstacle course– Each course can be made so differently than the first. Use hula hoops, a small indoor trampoline, balance on a line of painters tape or stepping stones, let them hop on couch cushions, run around plastic cups, hurdle over Tupperware, climb under tables….
Hide n Seek– Let siblings go independently with this while you get some work done or participate in the fun. Get them moving even more by having the first one found do jumping jacks or pushups.
Cosmic Kids Yoga– This channel includes a huge collection of videos that focus on yoga and mindfulness wrapped in fun, interactive adventures – building kids’ strength, balance and confidence.
Mission Impossible Obstacle Maze– Using crepe paper held up with painter’s tape create an intricate maze in a hallway for your kids to navigate their bodies through. Put the tape up high and down low, forcing them to step over and crawl under at various points. (Idea from Brassy Apple)
Dance party– Grab some holiday lights or glow sticks, create a playlist or use an Amazon device, dress up and boogie down!
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt– Hide a bear somewhere in your house and have your child find it (use “hot” or “cold” for younger kids who may need a bit of direction). Read the book first!
Basketball– If you don’t have an indoor hoop, use laundry baskets and various sized balls.
Just Dance Kids- Search for “Just Dance Kids” on YouTube and it will pull up a whole selection of video routines pulled from the Wii U games. They feature great music that will make you want to jump in there and try to perform all the moves alongside your kids!
Make a tunnel using cardboard boxes.
Make a cozy reading fort using sheets, cushions, pillows, sheets, lanterns/flashlights.
Puzzles and board games are always a hit on rainy days- as are movies!
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