All of us do better with a routine but let’s face it, during this time of unknown, routines may have to fly out the window. However, thanks to some great people and organizations you can find some stability in checking in online at the same time each weekday for some fun activities. Most if not all, will archive the live video for you to watch if you aren’t able to log on at that specific time.

11:00am CST daily: Artist, Cassie Stephenz is doing a themed robot week complete with printables, writing prompts and she goes live each day to walk you through something.
11:30am EST Tuesday’s: The first-ever virtual Tinkergarten experience kicks off Tuesday morning. Led by co-founder, Meghan Fitzgerald, this 20-minute session is designed to inspire a whole week’s worth of play. Join with a kiddo and a cardboard box, and feel free to share with any other families in need of some inspiration this week!
1:00pm EST daily: the one and only Mo Willems through the Kennedy Center is offering Lunch Doodles! Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and doodle together; explore ways of writing and making.
2:00pm EST: Doug Kammerer of NBC 4 Weather is going to teach math and science.
2:30pm EST Tuesday: National Children’s Museum may be closed but they are still here for you! Join Tuesday as they kick-off daily STEAM time on Facebook Live with CEO, Crystal Bowyer, and her 5yo son, Preston. Check their IG stories and website for the “Museum Kid Daily Schedule” for all you superhero caregivers doing your best. Stay safe + be well + keep dreaming.
3:00pm EST daily: Cincinnati Zoo will be live streaming several animals and exhibits.
Various times: Artists around the country have started a Google Doc full of their live stream performances. You can send a donation if you’re able or just enjoy. All of the information are on two tabs on the document.
The Lane {Anti} Social Club is bringing the fun to your living room until we can welcome you back to ours. In the meantime, sign up for any and all of the events and join their slack channel for some grown-up real talk.
Badlands has launched an IGTV channel and YouTube channel with virtual camp programming which will include fun shows and activities like dance parties, science experiments, crafts, drum circles and more opportunities to get your family moving and to keep their staff working!
While this is not a particular activity to attend at a designated time, this Google Doc offers a long list of ideas children can do while their parents works from home.
Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town have daily streamings of animal feedings.
A movie is always a way to cozy up, enjoy one another or just let your child relax. Here is a list of 23 feel-good movies you can now stream and 150+ educational shows on Netflix organized by category.
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Sample schedules and ideas for the week
Educational resources at your fingertips
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