With Hanukkah coming up quickly – and the possibility that 2020 celebrations may be very different than years past PJ Library has created a robust, activity-and-recipe-filled Hanukkah Hub! I hope you have signed up to receive free books, music and more through PJ Library but if not, click here to do so!
This year Hanukkah will be December 10-18. If you’re trying out leading a night of celebrating on your own for the first time, this holiday “cheat sheet” supplies parents and kids with a story book to read each night of Hanukkah, a gift idea to make or exchange, a recipe to cook together, and more. You’ll also find a virtual “Get Togethers” section to help you share the holiday from afar.
Below we have some wonderful activities and recipes perfect for all.
Books — There are so many wonderful Hanukkah books to choose from leading into the holiday season! You can view all PJ Library Hanukkah selections in the Books section. Among the fanciful and entertaining stories that work well for mixed age groups and that your family will enjoy reading again and again you’ll find “Hanukkah Hamster” by Michelle Markel, “Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins” by Eric Kimmel and “Meet the Latkes” by Alan Silberberg. For another suggestion, PJ offers up some outstanding Hanukkah Books for Interfaith Families
Recipes – As you well know, Jewish holidays often have food at the center — and Hanukkah is no exception. Everyone knows about latkes, but have you ever made traditional sufganiyot, jelly-filled doughnuts? (How could you possibly go wrong – so good!) If you want to share a new spin on latkes or try your hand at sufganiyot, below find 10 easy to make, delicious, and well-loved, PJ Library Hanukkah recipes, including, Bimuelos, Hanukkah Gelt (via Nosh & Nibble), Personal Dessert Pizzas (via Nosh & Nibble), Nutella Pockets, Stained Glass Cookies, Sufganiyot Donut Holes and more!
Family Activities – Looking for some creative ideas for fun-filled family time (and getting the kids away from various screens?) Try upcycling crayons into candles, making an oil menorah, turning aluminum foil into menorah-art, or making salt dough candle holders. Or, maybe just unplug for the night!
Have you signed up to receive free books through PJ Library? Multiple children in the same household can each receive their very own subscription – whether they’re the same age or not. Families can sign children up from birth onwards – PJ Library is an incredible program!

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