Decoding Dyslexia, a national grassroots network of parents and educators, now has a chapter in DC. They will be having a kickoff meeting on Sunday, May 19th at 2pm at Southeast Library (Eastern Market Metro). More info can be found here. Decoding Dyslexia – DC is a grassroots movement driven by DC families concerned about the limited access to educational interventions for students with dyslexia and other reading difficulties within our schools. They aim to raise awareness and empower families to support their children. They also want to inform policy-makers on best practices for screening, identifying, remediating, and supporting students with dyslexia and reading difficulties in DC.
The topic of this meeting will be: Understanding Dyslexia and Essential Elements of an Effective Intervention.
Come meet other parents of struggling readers, like minded educators and learn how Decoding Dyslexia DC is advocating for change in education policy. Laurie Moloney, Certified Academic Language Therapist and President of the DC Capital Area Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, will give a brief talk on the reading crisis and how to solve it.
Please share with your community and join! To learn more about the group click here. The goal is to advocate and engage with all stakeholders.
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